Site v5
Written: 2023-12-16 · Last Updated: Never
Oops I did it again.
Today's site rendition inspired by maia's site and also ( you better watch out man…). The main reason I did this is because Site v4 had god awful CSS where most things were set based on a million calc()
s and most measurements were based on var(--padding)
, which itself was measured in vh
. It was, a mess.
Not only that, but the webpage design wasn't responsive in the slightest. (Did I mention slow on other platforms given the heavy use of CSS calc()
?) I had a hodge-podge design based mainly around display:none
s to hide elements and show elements depending on viewport orientation??? Yeah it was pretty bad.
Site v4, you will go down in infamy as the shortest-lived site design (yet somehow not beating Site v1??) – but definitely far from the worst.
New features of this site are not only a more responsive design, but a stylesheet that is built properly and didn't break nearly as many times as the last one did during development.
My main new feature though, is the badges: now at the bottom of every page! And a hits counter! Shoutout to the 88 X 31 site for having a gazillion badges to choose from, they're fun. The badges, header, footer, and recent blog articles are all loaded using a JS file, making it way easier to update things across all pages, and way less janky than my iframe
solutions of websites past.